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Get A Rare Look at Real Jury Selection in High-Stakes Civil Trials via CVN

Posted by David Siegel on May 2, 2024 12:49:33 PM


Any veteran trial attorney will agree that many trials are potentially won or lost before the first words of opening statements. The composition of a jury plays just as crucial a role in the outcome of a trial as any piece of evidence, the most experienced expert witnesses or even the most persuasive courtroom advocates.Few attorneys get any experience with the intimate, human-focused process that is voir dire in law school, making it one of the many facets of trial work that’s only taught in real courtrooms at real trials. Courtroom View Network now gives attorneys the rare and valuable opportunity to watch the voir dire process from real trials as part of a subscription to CVN’s online trial video library.

A handful of states allow news media like CVN to film the jury selection process, with the strict requirement that the potential jurors themselves never appear on camera. A selection of trials in CVN’s online trial video library include this unique footage, where some of the very best plaintiff and defense attorneys in the country work through the often painstaking process of screening and selecting real jurors, both in-person and via virtual platforms in post-Covid trials.

Below is a guide to the trials in CVN’s online video library that include footage of jury selection. Sign up for a monthly or annual no-contract subscription today and get access to the only collection of its kind in existence. Watching the pros pick their juries is an invaluable opportunity for anyone involved in trial work, and now with CVN you can do it from the convenience of your home or office.


Driscoll v. Harrison Medical Center - childbirth-related brain injury lawsuit that settled after openings

Link to video of the full trial

Medical malpractice cases involving childbirth-related injuries and potentially a lifetime of care for injured infants require jurors to digest extremely complex medical and scientific information while also dealing with the unavoidable emotion that accompanies these sensitive cases. Watch renowned plaintiff attorney Nick Rowley along with top-tier defense counsel navigate this process in a Washington State courtroom.

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Scott v. Rosen - $50M+ legal malpractice trial against white-shoe firm that ended with a hung jury

Link to video of the full trial

This 2022 trial in Florida state court required selecting jurors to handle the complexities of a legal malpractice lawsuit stemming from an $850 million sale of medical service businesses. Watch how the top-shelf lawyers in this case screened candidates to select jurors they felt could grapple with a trial delving deep into the weeds of legal minutiae.

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Marcus v. NKM Transportation - defense verdict in wrongful death trial against FedEx

Link to video of the full trial

This Florida state court case from 2021 showcases the use of an online platform in the jury selection process, a modality still used by some courts even as the pandemic fades further into memory. Watch how the attorneys screened potential jurors without the benefit of “looking them in the eye” in a traditional in-person courtroom setting.

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Bollea v. Gawker Media - $140M verdict in invasion of privacy lawsuit filed by wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan against Gawker Media

Link to video of the full trial

In 2016 a Florida state court jury imposed a $25.1 million punitive verdict on Gawker Media, its founder, and its former editor for the company’s publication of a sex video involving wrestler Hulk Hogan, driving the total award past $140 million in the blockbuster invasion of privacy case. Watch attorneys and potential jurors grapple with the intimate subject matter and the unique challenge of the involvement of an iconic, widely known figure like Hulk Hogan.

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Watson v. Blackburn - auto negligence lawsuit resulting in $1.2M verdict

Link to video of the full trial

This Georgia state court case highlights the importance of who gets selected for the jury, as the case ended in a $2M+ settlement after allegations of juror misconduct put an initial $1.2 million verdict at risk.

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Griffin v. Albanese Enterprises - $354K verdict in one of the first post-Covid virtual trials

Link to video of the full trial

This Florida state court trial from August of 2020 was one of the first to take place virtually in the immediate aftermath of the Covid shutdown, giving viewers an opportunity to see both a virtual jury selection process and the trial proceedings beyond that.

Read more via the CVN News Blog

Now CVN subscribers can also watch jury selection from all of these proceedings in one convenient spot, on our voir dire playlist, as part of our new CVN Playlists collection. 


E-mail David Siegel at

Topics: Florida