Stella Koballa v. Philip Morris began with an opening statement by plaintiff attorney Dennis Pantazis, of Wiggins, Childs, Quinn & Pantazis.
Topics: Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Koballa v. Philip Morris, Engle Progeny, Tobacco Litigation
Phase 1 of the Rohr v. R.J. Reynolds Engle tobacco trial considered just a single question: "Was Arthur Rohr addicted to cigarettes containing nicotine, and, if so, was such addiction a legal cause of his death?"
Topics: Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Engle Progeny, Rohr v. Reynolds, Tobacco Litigation
Arnold & Porter teamed up with Jones Day to win the Engle-progeny tobacco trial Claudette Campbell v. Philip Morris.
Topics: Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Engle Progeny, Tobacco Litigation, Campbell v. Philip Morris
Jones Day and Shook Hardy Bacon teamed up for a hard-fought victory in Frazier v. Philip Morris.
Topics: Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Engle Progeny, Tobacco Litigation, Frazier v. Philip Morris
"They knew that nearly all cigarette smokers are addicted,"
Philip Gerson, of Gerson & Schwartz, told the jury in Frazier v. Philip Morris closing arguments. Eighty to 90% of smokers are addicted, he said. "But they so stubbornly deny the fact that Phyllis was addicted that we had to spend so much of your time bringing in expert witnesses" to describe the biology and pharmacology of addiction, such as Dr. Neal Benowitz, who had written a hundreds of peer reviewed articles and book chapters on nicotine addiction.
Topics: Toxic Torts, Products Liability, Engle Progeny, Tobacco Litigation, Frazier v. Philip Morris