
Philip Morris Prevails in Florida Design Defect Trial Over Virginia Slims Smoker's Throat Cancer

Posted by Arlin Crisco on Jul 5, 2024 1:22:42 PM

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Miami, FL— Jurors last week cleared Philip Morris of responsibility for the laryngeal cancer a Florida woman developed after years of smoking the company’s "Virginia Slims" cigarettes. Santana v. Philip Morris. 

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Topics: tobacco, Florida, Santana v. Philip Morris

$9.3M+ Verdict Against RJR in Retrial Over Florida Smoker's Death

Posted by Arlin Crisco on Jun 12, 2024 11:04:15 AM

Stock image. Click here to watch the proceeding. 

Fort Lauderdale, FL— R.J. Reynolds was hit with a $9.37 million verdict late last month for the role jurors found the company played in the death of a long-time smoker, capping retrial in a case that last saw a jury 10 years ago. Irimi v. R.J. Reynolds, CACE08026337. 

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Topics: tobacco, Engle Progeny, Florida, Irimi v. R.J. Reynolds

As Trial Opens Against Philip Morris, Attorneys Debate Timeline Surrounding Smoker's Fatal Cancer

Posted by Arlin Crisco on May 21, 2024 2:57:49 PM

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Miami, FL— The timeline surrounding a Florida smoker’s deadly lung cancer promised to play a key role in his family’s claim against Philip Morris, as trial opened Monday against the tobacco giant. Garcia v. Philip Morris, et al., 2017-CA-005523. 

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Topics: tobacco, Florida, Garcia v. Philip Morris, et al.

Get A Rare Look at Real Jury Selection in High-Stakes Civil Trials via CVN

Posted by David Siegel on May 2, 2024 12:49:33 PM

Any veteran trial attorney will agree that many trials are potentially won or lost before the first words of opening statements. The composition of a jury plays just as crucial a role in the outcome of a trial as any piece of evidence, the most experienced expert witnesses or even the most persuasive courtroom advocates.

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Topics: Florida

|VIDEO| Arbitration Panel Awards $627K in Wrongful Death Claim Against Assisted Living Facility | Watch Arbitration on CVN

Posted by Arlin Crisco on Apr 24, 2024 1:48:44 PM

West Palm Beach, FL— A Florida arbitration panel found an assisted living facility responsible for the death of one of its residents and awarded more than $627,000 to the woman’s family, with the entire proceeding recorded by CVN. Gropp, et al. v. CP Palm Beach Gardens Development, LLC, et al., 2023-CA-010842.

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Topics: Florida, Gropp v. CP PB Gardens Development