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Miami, FL— Attorneys Monday debated what fueled the years of smoking that ultimately led to a Florida woman's cancer death, as trial opened against Philip Morris. Lipp v. Philip Morris, 2017-CA-018509.
Posted by Arlin Crisco on Aug 27, 2021 12:17:12 PM
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Miami, FL— Attorneys Monday debated what fueled the years of smoking that ultimately led to a Florida woman's cancer death, as trial opened against Philip Morris. Lipp v. Philip Morris, 2017-CA-018509.
Topics: Engle Progeny, Florida, Lipp v. Philip Morris
Posted by Arlin Crisco on Aug 18, 2021 5:15:58 PM
CVN’s trial coverage spans the gamut of civil litigation: from “real-world,” soft-tissue-injury cases to high-stakes product liability suits. And the last several weeks have provided a perfect sample of the breadth of that coverage, with verdicts ranging from a five-figure award in a low-speed crash case to 9-figure toxic torts verdict, and much more in between.
Check out some of the key moments from our most recent trial coverage.
Posted by Arlin Crisco on Aug 6, 2021 1:04:48 PM
Posted by Arlin Crisco on Jul 23, 2021 12:58:40 PM
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While trial is first and foremost about telling your client’s story, weaving anecdotes from your own life into closings, where allowed, adds a different perspective to your case that can resonate powerfully with jurors.
Posted by Arlin Crisco on Jul 20, 2021 12:27:35 AM
Karen Koehler, joined by Artemis Malekpour and Randi McGinn, discuss Koehler's approach to closing arguments that set up a $123 million crash case, product liability verdict.
It can be tempting to simply repeat your case’s key testimony during closing arguments. But in a webinar detailing her approach to closings that set up a $123 million verdict at trial over a deadly 2015 crash, Stritmatter's Karen Koehler said that approach is a mistake.