
AMFS Details Its Top 3 Areas of COVID-19 Litigation Growth

Posted by Courtroom View Network on May 21, 2020 10:21:24 AM


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From time to time, CVN shares content it believes will be of particular interest to our readers. Here, Dan Sandman, Esq., President of American Medical Forensic Specialists, AMFS, details his company’s predictions on which legal practice areas will see the most coronavirus-related litigation in the wake of the pandemic. 


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our nation cannot be overstated. As with many industries and governmental functions, the legal system faces unprecedented challenges. Courtrooms across the country are dark. Depositions, IMEs and dispute resolution efforts have been largely suspended. While some jurisdictions are moving toward opening for business, others are not anywhere close. Coronavirus was practically unheard of outside of public health circles just two months ago. Now, it is the only thing many can think about. The virus has changed many aspects of our personal and professional lives. Already we see the first shots fired in what will very likely be an onslaught of COVID-19 related litigation.


Expertise in a variety of specialized areas will be required to prosecute and defend COVID-19 cases. We highlight the top 3 areas of anticipated COVID-19 litigation and the types of medical expert witnesses needed:


Learn the fields in which AMFS expects to see the most COVID-19 litigation.

Topics: AMFS, Curated Content